Working Dads and Superheroes of Thermomix®

This Father's Day we are excited to celebrate some special fathers who also double as Thermomix® Independent Consultants. We took the mission to find Thermomix® Rad Dads who love to create incredible meals for their families. 

Dad doesn’t want another tie this year, gift him the ultimate kitchen tool Thermomix® TM6®. Hear the stories from  Dad Thermomix® users who became Consultants in our inner circle community. These rockstar Dads have one thing in common: balancing their busy lives to run a successful Thermomix® business and most importantly, spending quality time with their families. The perfect occasion to celebrate your Dad, Brother, Uncle, or Hero! 

Przemyslaw Pawluk

Toronto-based Independent Consultant

Follow him on Instagram and Facebook

  • What’s your specialty dish to make with your Thermomix®?

I love working with dough so bread, buns, and pierogies are my favourites.

Thermomix® has an amazing recipe for dough, pierogies, and stuffing. The sky is the limit.


What’s your favourite dish to cook for your children?

Their favourite dish changes over time. Now, they like dumplings and pierogies. And ice cream is a must from time to time. What is great about Thermomix® is that you can make ice-creams that are really a solid portion of fruit and a tasty one too.

What lesson about fatherhood would you like to share with the Thermomix® community? 

Enjoy the journey! Don’t hesitate to take some time off work. And use your Thermomix® to cook for your little ones. It is an amazing tool to prepare all kinds of purees and mashed vegetables and you can introduce your little one into a world of flavors.

What’s your favourite memory with your family in the kitchen?

Christmas preparations always bring my family together in the kitchen. It is the smell of cookies and everything for the Christmas celebrations. There is something special about this time. Preparing delicious meals together makes it even more memorable.

Glen Burkart

Vancouver-based Independent Consultant

What’s your specialty dish to make with your Thermomix®?

I love making Pot stickers and Chinese Dumplings using a variety of Cookidoo® recipes. They’ve become my signature dish with friends and family, to the point that everyone wants to buy them. I always tell them, affectionately, that I don’t want to sell them potstickers, I want to sell them the Thermomix® TM6® that makes the pot stickers! Also, I use the pot stickers as one of the recipes to promote my business. Easy to make and so rewarding!

What’s your favourite dish to cook for your children?

Without question, the number one favourite dish of my children is Butter Chicken and Naan Bread. I follow the Cookidoo® recipes but I also add in the Hestan Cue to do the bread. We have an East Indian restaurant nearby that we compare to. Cookidoo® outperforms them by miles.

What lesson about fatherhood would you like to share with the Thermomix® community? 

I am very proud of my children. They are adults now and have their own lives. If I have accomplished anything, I would say it is to respect other people. I want this to be my legacy. I could ramble on about society today and all of its shortcomings but that’s for another discussion, another time. Respect and politeness go a long way.

What’s the best or worst dad joke you’ve ever heard of?

What’s the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo?

… one is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter.

What’s your favourite memory with your family in the kitchen?

This question touches my heart. My favourite memory happens every year during Christmas time. This is the one time of year we are together and prepare our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meals. We all have our favourite dishes and the festive season brings out the best in everyone.

How do you balance your personal life and work-life?

I’m semi-retired and I’ll work a bit in the spring and fall. Cooking and baking have become a hobby for me, thanks to the TM6®. I’m fortunate to be in a position where balancing life is easy. It hasn’t always been roses, of course, and I feel a sense of accomplishment to be where I am now.

Any tips for working dads?

Yes! Don’t work yourself to the brink of exhaustion. Don’t be a “workaholic”. I know this from experience. When your kids are grown and out of the house, you can’t get that time back. You miss out on the memories. That’s my regret in life is I missed a lot of my kids’ childhood because of work. Take the extra time. The TM6® can actually help you fulfill your needs by including it in your family activities.

 Brodie (on the right) and his family

Brodie McKinney

Vancouver Thermomix® Independent Consultant

What’s your specialty dish to make with your Thermomix®?

That’s a tough one… Cooking anything with Thermomix® is so enjoyable, however, if I had to choose a family favourite it’s definitely Chunky Bolognese on Cookidoo®! The entire family loves it with fresh zoodles and parmesan.

What’s your favourite dish to cook for your children?

Chocolate, Banana, and Almond Ice Cream on Cookidoo® – my daughter loves this and we like that there is no added sugar!

How do you balance your personal life and work-life? Any tips for working dads?

Plan ahead! Know what your week looks like outside of work – including activities, relax time, and even meals! Using Cookidoo® I plan my meals for the week and using the shopping list feature going to the grocery store is a breeze!

How does running your Thermomix® business give you a flexible schedule?

Thermomix® enables me to earn an additional income by simply preparing dinner and sharing the process of cooking using the TM6® with friends and family, how’s that for flexibility?

Eric Besnard

Montreal-based Independent Consultant

Follow Chef Eric's Facebook

What’s your specialty dish to make with your Thermomix®?

My wife is originally from Italy, which means we very often making risotto, many sauces, veggie, lobster, asparagus, etc.


Puff Pastry

I love making puff pastry, and right now we make vegetable stew at least once a week.

What’s your favourite dish to cook for your children?

Sorbet and chocolate cakes, and they are allowed to lick the bowl.

What lesson about fatherhood would you like to share with the Thermomix® community? 

Sharing love with a BIG L and making a hangout happen every Sunday with our kids and grandchildren to carry on traditions.

What’s your favourite memory with your family in the kitchen?

My wife and I share two Thermomix® with each of our kids at home, our oldest child is raising a beautiful girl whom we have gifted a TM6.

Our second boy recently moved out of the apartment and on his kitchen counter… he received a surprise: a Thermomix®!

There are endless best family moments, which are often very similar. We plan ahead our Weekly Meal Planner on Cookidoo® with our children during the week, and when Sunday morning arrives we all cook together.

How do you balance your personal life and work-life? Any tips for working dads?

I have organized my professional life around my personal life, I’ve managed to leave time to drive our youngest kid to the bus and pick her up every day. It is priceless having a family member always at home.

As a Thermomix® Independent Consultant, if I don't have scheduled demos during a day, this leaves me to prepare meals for my Thermomix® business.

I quit my job as a chef to sell Thermomix®. I'll tell you a little anecdote. After I quit my previous job as a chef, my daughters told me “Dad, now that you stay at home every night, what are we going to do, we are not used to you being with us.”

This was a wake-up call for me and I promised myself not to go back to the office.

How does running your Thermomix® business give you a flexible schedule? 

I aim to accomplish tasks on my priority list at the beginning of the week. I’ve learned organization skills and especially to PLAN, I took this to action by ORGANIZING my kitchen, delegating my team tasks, and I'm lucky, they are all very cooperative.

Another fun fact is that our little girl, our son, and I in this picture, truly portray Thermomix® across three generations. We enjoyed cooking with the TM31 and it will be missed!

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